Ford Kuga
 Service Manual
Information and Entertainment System - General Information » Cellular Phone
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Index Chart

DTC Description/Condition Possible Source Action
B1038 Microphone input circuit failure Microphone defect or short to ground GO to Pinpoint Test B.
B1317 Battery voltage high Battery voltage above 16 volts REFER to: Charging System (414-00 Charging System - General Information, Diagnosis and Testing).
B1318 Battery voltage low Battery voltage below 9 volts REFER to: Charging System (414-00 Charging System - General Information, Diagnosis and Testing).
B1342 PSE module failure PSE module INSTALL a new PSE module. TEST the system for normal operation.
B1899 Microphone input signal circuit open Microphone defect or not connected GO to Pinpoint Test B.
B2272 Microphone bias circuit failure No supply to microphone GO to Pinpoint Test B.
B2477 Faultymodule configura tion PSE module REFER to the Ford diagnostic equipment.
U0074 Bluetooth communication failure to cellular phone PSE module or cellular phone CHECK the cellular phone Bluetooth function with another application to determine if the cellular phone is the concern. If the Bluetooth function operates correctly with the other application, INSTALL a new PSE module. TEST the system for normal operation. If the Bluetooth function does not operate with other application, REFER to the cellular phone Owner's Guide
U2050 No application present PSE module INSTALL a new PSE module. TEST the system for normal operation.

1. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart.

    More about «Cellular Phone»:

    Principles of Operation

    Inspection and Verification

    Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Index Chart

    Symptom Chart

    Pinpoint Tests

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