Ford Kuga
 Service Manual
Paint - General Information » Tools and Equipment for Paint Repairs
Polishing and finishing tools

The term polishing in the context of paint repairs means the elimination of paint flaws and high shine polishing of neighboring parts.

During polishing the fine sanded surface is returned to a high shine using a special abrasive polish.

Before the actual polishing, all flaws in the paint surface must be removed and the following working procedures must be adhered to:

Thoroughly clean the vehicle.

Remove spray mist from all surfaces.

Sand out and polish particle inclusions.

Sand down paint runs and polish them out.

Examine the exactness of the color match in daylight.

Remove masking edges.

Remove sanding water, sanding dust and polish residues.

After the polishing process the results must be tested using a special test spray.

    More about «Tools and Equipment for Paint Repairs»:

    General work equipment

    Filler and spray guns

    Hand and machine sanding tools

    Polishing and finishing tools

    Infrared drying technology

    Air dryers

    Paint mixing system

    Painting cabin

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